Merry, Merry Marketing
Hello Friends and Family,
This month’s blog is all about marketing. Let’s face it, the publishing market is competitive. In order to sell books and get your books into the hands of readers, you have to promote your book and get it noticed. With my Christmas Romcom Novella, Falling for Lemon Snowballs, debuting December 5th (that’s right—just 6 days away!), I’ve been working on marketing my book, promoting my brand, and trying new platforms and tools.
After I signed with The Wild Rose Press, I filled out a promotional form specifying social platforms I had and could leverage, and also put together a promotional plan—how I was going to promote my brand and book. Although I already had a Twitter account, I created Instagram, Facebook, and Goodreads author accounts. With these social accounts, I started connecting with the #writingcommunity and #bookstagram community, meeting writers and readers. I started getting involved with their cover reveals and book promotions, reading ARCs, posting reviews, and participating. It’s been so much fun!
I also had to decide what my mission was going to be as an author to help tell my story. After a lot of scribbles, I realized my mission was simple—love.
My goal as an author is to bring more love into the world, one book at a time.
When I began thinking about how I was going to market my book, I drew inspiration from my author mission. This included warm color palettes with creams, pink, and reds for posts and videos, representing love, but also Christmas since Falling for Lemon Snowballs is a Christmas Romcom. I also created author bookmark cards with my cover on the front and author information on the back.
On July 31st, as part of Christmas in July that Hallmark was promoting, I shared the cover reveal and announced the debut date. As part of this reveal/announcement, I made homemade Lemon Twist Snowball Cookies (the recipe is also at the end of the novella for all the cookie enthusiasts like me), dressed like a pastry chef, and then created my own content to post on social media. My video opened with a present wrapped in candy-cane striped, red ribbon, then clicked over to a picture of me holding lemon snowballs with sparkly Christmas lights all around the edges, and finally, my sweet and scrumptious cover, followed by a note at the end stating, ‘Coming This Holiday Season.’ Of course, I paired my video with cheerful Christmas music to get viewers further into the Christmas spirit. I loved making content and getting creative with different tools including Canva.
Another highlight of the book launch was interacting with bookstagrammers and the writing/author community. There have been so many wonderful people I have met along the way that have helped promote my book, announce my cover reveal, share content, and provide encouragement. I also sent some of them Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) and have loved seeing their early reviews and posts. I’m so grateful!
One marketing challenge I discovered however, was, that I really wanted to create a giveaway. Since my book is only available in an e-format, I am limited to the amount of ARCs I can send to readers. So, I began browsing other bookstagram sites and author profiles for inspiration. I saw book giveaways, books and amazon gift card giveaways, Goodreads giveaways with signed copies, then giveaways with books and baskets filled with elements related to the book for sale. And then I began thinking…Falling for Lemon Snowballs weaves sweet romance with cozy Christmas and cookie baking. Cookies…baking…Why not create a Christmas Cookie Baking Cheer Box?
So, I went to Target and TJ Maxx and shopped for items to fill the box. And guess what? While I was checking out, the college-aged clerk noted the two themes in my shopping cart: cookie baking and winter wonderland. She asked if the items were for a gift exchange. Excitement rushed through me and tickled my belly. Flashing a smile, I told her that I was getting ready for my first author giveaway.
She tilted her head, swishing her short crop of hair. “You’re an author?” she asked. “That’s so cool. What’s your book about?”
There it was. Those two questions every author gets asked. And you know what I did? I introduced myself and pitched my book to a TJ Maxx Sales Clerk. You know how people say you should have an elevator pitch ready? Boy are they right! Not two seconds after I pitched my book, she asked where she could get a copy. Luckily, I had some bookmark cards in my purse. I handed her a card, and she tucked it into her pocket, then told me she was going to order my book on her break. I literally skipped to my car!
I also have been promoting my book the old-fashioned way—by talking to people. My kids and I walk and ride bikes around our neighborhood regurarly and we know the vast majority of our neighbors. A few neighbors know that I’m a writer, while others aren’t aware. A group of our neighbors, whom we call the ‘Dog Squad,’ walk everyday like clock-work at 4:30 PM. We stopped to pet their dogs and said, ‘hello,’ and then I asked if they liked to read and enjoyed Hallmark Christmas movies. Ten minutes later, we waived goodbye, and I’d given out near a dozen bookmark cards.
Sure, it’s old fashioned to walk around and promote my book, but I’ve already passed out more than fifty bookmarks and met new neighbors in the process. I’ve also met parents at my son’s school and at my daughter’s gymnastic class. Although I’ve always been a bit shy (my twin sister will confirm this :)), promoting and marketing my book has helped me become more confident as an author. I encourage you to do the same.
Thank you to all who have shared my book news and continue to cheer and support my author journey. The next phase of my marketing plan includes a Winter Wonderland Giveaway on December 1st and preparations for my debut on December 5th. Stay tuned!
With love,
Erica Mae