Pub Day for The Stars of Scotland!
It’s finally here! Today is publication day aka pub day for The Stars of Scotland. This book has been in the making since March 2021, and I can’t wait for readers to embrace this beautiful romance.
Pub day began at 5:05 AM with my 9-year old son waking me up with a huge hug and telling me, “Your book is published today, mom!”
Then, I went on my socials and posted, and found that some of my Stars Street Team and Arc readers had already begun posting. Oh, how my author heart soared!
Next, I participated in a celebratory Insta Live chat with my long-time author friend and critique partner, Annie Cathryn. We had such a wonderful conversation filled with smiles and laughter discussing the following questions/topics:
What inspired you to write The Stars of Scotland?
Have you been to Scotland? What’s your favorite Scottish destination?
How much research did you do during the writing process?
Since this is a contemporary romance, how much spice can readers expect?
What’s a few of of your favorite scenes?
What’s next in this series?
What do you hope readers take away from your book?
We received great questions too, including ‘When’s your book going to be a movie?’ and ‘What character do you relate to the most?’ If you were able to join, thank you! If not, I posted the recording to my reels, so you can watch at your leisure.
The last item on the agenda today is a dinner for two with my husband. He’s being a trooper, since he’s getting over a cold, but as he says, ‘We need to celebrate!’ My kiddos are at a Mimi sleepover having the time of their lives (thanks Mimi and Pappy!), and I’m so grateful.
I’ve cried so many happy tears today! I’ve been working so hard for so long and finally, my first full-length novel is out in the world. This novel provided an escape during one of the most difficult periods of my life, brought joy, and allowed me to travel to my favorite country. I hope when you read my book that you embark on your own adventure, and find hope and lots of love between the pages.
Can I ask one favor? If you’ve read The Stars of Scotland and enjoyed reading, please tell your friends and be sure to leave a review on Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble. Even a single line review is helpful. Reviews are the best way to support authors, and I so appreciate it!
I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for traveling with me.
With love,