Being Authentic on Social Media
Hi All,
It’s been a busy month, and I’ve worked, read some great books, added word count to my own books in progress, and created social media content. The last of which is the focus for this month’s blog.
I’ve been on Twitter….er, X, for approximately 6 years, Facebook since I was in my twenties, and almost two years on Instagram, but Instagram has been the biggest struggle for me. For all of us introverts (eh hem, me), the idea of posting reels and photos of myself was daunting. I mean, how do you come up with what content to post and how often? I’m almost 40 and don't like taking pictures and videos of myself. Also, I didn’t really have social media until my late twenties, and I struggled with figuring out what content would speak to followers and represent me.
After almost two years, I’ve figured it out: be authentic. Just be me. I don’t have to create book videos with my husband acting out scenes with me, or create a bicycle or bouquet of beautifully colored books, or even dance for attention; all I have to be is myself. This was liberating.
Who am I?
I’m a mom,
A wife,
A writer,
An author,
A reader,
A home cook and baker,
A sometimes yogi,
And the list goes on…
But in summary, that’s my content. My most watched reel grossed over 15K views, and guess what? This was a one-take reel! I hadn’t posted in a while, and honestly, I didn’t know what to post because my hair wasn’t perfect, it was late, and I needed to get some editing in. Imagine this: me, my mom bun, glasses, and no makeup, frustrated about the idea of presenting this image of perfection on social media. I’d just put the kids down, and I was ready to dive back into editing my Work in Progress (WIP). I grabbed my phone, clicked the video icon, and said:
I’m working on some edits tonight. It’s not always pretty or perfect, but I’m a mom, my kids are in bed…asleep, and it’s 8:15 and it’s time to edit.
The next day, I checked instagram and literally was flabbergasted. 15K views!
Being a romance writer and mom author.
The other second highest reel grossed over 2K with me wearing a pretty floral sweater and curled hair saying, ‘It’s time to write some romance.’ Short and sweet.
I have a group of followers, which include writer and reader friends, as well as family and long-time friends. I have found my people. In addition to a few mom and writer reels, I also post inspirational quotes and help inspire others, post what I’m reading along with book reviews as well as share other authors’ cover reveals or pub day celebrations, and market my own books.
This month, I introduced Brie (Brielle Finlay Hunter), my female MC of THE STARS OF SCOTLAND and shared a few of the other side characters she meets along the way such as a fuzzy, highland coo. I’ve received wonderful feedback in anticipation of this book’s debut next year and can’t wait to create more.
Introducing my MC, Brielle Finlay Hunter via a travel reel.
I also love to bake. Baking is an escape, a joy, and honestly a creative outlet. When I’m stuck on a WIP, there’s nothing better than cooking up an amazing meal or baking something scrumptious to clear my mind. Of course, inspiration strikes at the least ideal moments—typically, when my hands are covered in flour, I’ve little ones trying to stick their fingers in batters for a taste, or when I can smell the warm, rich chocolate permeating from the oven and it’s time to remove the chocolate pound cake. Luckily, there’s a voice app on my phone and I have a screen protector for my flour or sugar-coated pinky to press play. I’ve enjoyed posting my Baking Book Reviews and creating reels of the scrumptious dessert I’ve paired with the book to help support authors.
My Baking Book Review for Sarah Adams romcom, ‘When in Rome.’
Lastly, to say thank you to my over 2,200 followers, I’ve created a giveaway with two of my favorite summer reads. If you’re on Instagram, check it out! (Giveaway ends Monday, September 4th.)
The best takeaway I’ve learned on Instagram is to be myself. So, if you’re struggling to post content or even join Instagram, you can do it. I did. Share what you love. Share your books. Share your struggles and journey. Your people will find you. Be brave. And, let me know when you join, so I can follow you too!
With love,
Erica Mae